
Human Resources:

HR Advice

Disciplinary Advice

Performance Support

Role Profiling

Note:  Discounted prices for multiple bookings. For more information call: 0191 286 2919

Dispute Resolution & Mediation

Conflict in the Workplace
  • Introduce the learner to the principles of conflict in the workplace.
  • Investigate what can cause conflict at work.
  • Consider your own individual style in relation to conflict management.
Managing Conflict
  • Introduce the learner to the principles of conflict in the workplace.
  • Investigate what can cause conflict at work.
  • Consider your own individual style in relation to conflict management.
ADR & Mediation
  • Gain a greater understanding into Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and, in particular, mediation in the workplace.
  • Learn about a five stage approach to mediation and the strategies to use during these stages.
  • Consider the communication skills and management competencies required in order to be a good mediator
Implementing Mediation
  • Investigate the benefits of introducing mediation.
  • Identify the potential costs of ignoring conflict in the workplace.
  • Provide strategies for implementing mediation in your organisation. In addition, to draft a personal action plan for implementation.


Those individuals who are involved in or manage any form of dispute resolution and mediation within the workplace.


  • Ability to deal with conflict in the workplace.
  • Understand strategies for implementing mediation in the workplace.
  • General understanding of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Using Disciplinary Procedures

Disciplinary Procedures
  • Understand the legislation in relation to disciplinary procedures.
  • Explore the implications of the legislation if it is not followed correctly.
Preparing for a Disciplinarily
  • Understand the importance of preparing fully before taking any action.
  • How to anticipate potential problems and how to deal with these.
Conducting a Disciplinarily
  • How to carry out a disciplinary interview.
  • Understand how to communicate in a constructively assertive way.
Appeals Process
  • Explore the legislative requirements of the appeals process.
  • Understand how to manage the appeals process


Those managers and team leaders responsible for the implementation of business disciplinary procedures


  • Provides the frameworks and confidence to apply a consistent and legal approach to the application of disciplinary procedures.
  • Knowledge and understanding of how to prepare for disciplinary proceedings.
  • Skills and confidence to conduct disciplinary hearings and investigations.
  • Understand how to communicate effectively and accurately throughout the disciplinary proceedings.
  • Ability to use effective communication and assertiveness to resolve grievance and disciplinary proceedings.